Parliamentary Ombudsman attends European Regional Board Meeting of the IOI in Cyprus
Published January 21, 2025

The Parliamentary Ombudsman of Malta, Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon, participated in the meeting of the European Regional Board of the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI). The gathering took place in Nicosia, Cyprus, at the invitation of the Cypriot Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Maria Stylianou Lottides, and was presided over by Mr Reinier Van Zutphen, Ombudsman of the Netherlands and President of the IOI European Region.
During the meeting, board members reviewed recent activities and discussed current developments in the European region. They examined the work of various IOI working groups and representation within these committees. The Parliamentary Ombudsman of Malta, Judge Zammit McKeon, will represent IOI Europe—alongside the President of the Board, Mr Van Zutphen—in both the Code of Ethics Working Group and the By-Laws Committee. The board members also discussed matters related to the functioning of the IOI’s European chapter, as well as upcoming activities and events.
The Board also discussed the UN General Assembly resolution adopted on 17 December 2024, which reaffirms the critical role of Ombudsman institutions in promoting the rule of law, good governance, and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It was noted that, with regard to the promotion and protection of human rights, in countries where the Ombudsman also functions as a National Human Rights Institution (NHRI), this dual role has proven highly effective, as both mandates complement each other.
European Regional Board Membership
The European Regional Board is composed of Mr Reinier Van Zutphen (Regional President, Ombudsman of the Netherlands), Mr Marc Bertrand (Ombudsman of Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation), Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon (Parliamentary Ombudsman of Malta), Mr Marino Fardelli (Presidente del Coordinamento Nazionale dei Difensori Civici delle Regioni), Mr Peter Svetina (Ombudsman of Slovenia), , Mr Dymtro Lubinets (Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights), and Ms Maria Stylianou Lottides (Human Rights Commissioner of Cyprus).
About the IOI
Established in 1978, the International Ombudsman Institute (IOI) is the only global organisation dedicated to the cooperation of more than 200 independent Ombudsman institutions from over 100 countries worldwide. Organised into six regional chapters—Africa, Asia, Australasia & Pacific, Europe, the Caribbean & Latin America, and North America—the IOI supports its members through training, research, and regional subsidies for projects. Its overarching aim is to promote good governance and strengthen the capacity of Ombudsman institutions around the world.